Do you wonder why it is so tough to meet a great guy?

Why is it so hard to meet an attractive man that you have chemistry with and he adores you and can’t wait to see you?

Right?  It should not be this hard.

And one of the major reasons of why it so hard is this…..

We end dating or being in a relationship with the wrong man for too long.

Are you in a relationship right now and wishing he would spend more time with you, call you more, or even more importantly make you the priority?

Or maybe you are dating a man with deep issues and waiting for him to change.

Or maybe you are involved with a divorced man that is dealing with “his circumstances” around ending his marriage and telling you to wait.

Or a man that is busy right now in his career or going to school and does not have time for you.

You put your life on hold for someone else.

Waiting and Waiting…hoping that it will change


You may say he is worth it and you will not meet a man like this again.

You may say that we have such a deep connection and I might not ever find this again.

But you still feel lonely, confused, and frustrated and even depressed because you are not getting what you desire.

And you’re wasting your precious time.

I know because I have been there and through it.   Thinking this was the only love and I don’t think I could find this connection with someone else.

I have waited and wasted over 2 years for the man who was going through a divorce who one week was calling and asking me out and then the next week there was silence and on the phone with my girlfriend crying:   “why is he doing this to me?””

I have waited for the man that I thought checked all the boxes only to keep telling me he was busy right now at work and then only to find he got engaged with someone else.

And the more you invest in the relationship, the more vested you become.

And you are more invested than he is.

And you think the more you do the more he will turn around, only to be disappointed again and again.

Why do we invest more in the man than he is investing in us?

Why is that alright with you to allow that?

It is because we are in the illusion of a relationship vs the reality.

And it is not your fault.   We have not been taught how to date or be in relationship.

And we are also in this illusion because of the  “Single String.”

I have been talking about the “Single String” with a lot of women.

The single string is based upon the experiences you had in your life and how you interpreted those experiences.

We may of grown up seeing that relationships take work and you must work hard at them.

You might of had experiences where you did not feel good enough or unloved or a alone and now you settle in relationships.

We all have our own unique experiences leading to your “Single String.”

And it is invisible to the naked eye, you can’t see it, but it’s there, it’s deep down inside…

And until you get to the root of the string and remove it, you will continue to repeat the same dating and relationship cycles over and over again.
This is why strategies don’t work, listening to all the podcast, reading the books that are just sitting on the bookshelf collecting dust and you are wondering why you are still single.

And the thing is that when I crossed the line in the sand and ended that relationship with the man that was not giving me what I desired, it opened the space for the man that wanted to spend time with me and adored me.

And here we have 2018 almost over with New Years just around the corner.

What happens if you stay exactly where you are… if you do nothing?

You already know that if you change nothing, then NOTHING will change.

And another year will be gone that you can’t get back.

Possibly another year of being alone… or worst yet in another relationship where you waste your time and get hurt again…

Settling for the life you have vs. the life you really desire and dream about.

What would it be like to  spend this Saturday night with a man that totally adores you and wants to make you happy?   The amazing man that you share your dreams with and he supports you and you have the most amazing time together.

I mean we are talking about your life here.

Don’t let your life slip by another minute without having that special man your life.

I do have a few openings this week to speak with 5 women.  Only 5 because I am leaving on holiday next week.

I am willing to get on the phone with you for FREE to show you what is your “Single String” and what’s really holding you back, and help you find that amazing man – saving a TON of time in the process.

There’s no charge for this Love Breakthrough Session and they are life-changing.

In a moment I’m going to give you a Private Link to my calendar.

But here’s the thing –

This offer is ONLY for women who are 100% committed to solving this problem TODAY, because time is running out and you’re not going to let any more good years to pass without a great guy.

In other words:

  • This is important for you to solve right now, not when work slows down, not after you remodel the house and not next year, NOW
  • Your life is great and having that special in man your life is the one missing link to have it all.  
  • You place a huge value on learning and growing and living the life you were meant to live…

If that sounds like you, and you are ready to create your own special love story… I would LOVE to talk to you!

Reserve your spot for your FREE Breakthrough Session HERE

My advice is to grab your spot now. Don’t wait for another minute to go by (they’re going by faster and faster).

PS: Like I mentioned, these Love Breakthrough Sessions typically fill up extremely quickly.
Several times over the past few weeks, I’ve had to open up more spots on the calendar. If there aren’t any spots left, please accept my apologies!