Questions to Ask About Personal Growth:

You can also download a word version here:  Questions to ask in dating

  1. What have you learned about yourself in the past 5 years and how has it changed you?
  2. What have you learned about your past relationships and what would you do differently now?
  3. What do you think your strengths are?
  4. What sources of help have you used in the past when you want to learn new skills or grow?
  5. What skills have you learned to grow in relationships?
  6. What are you looking to change about yourself in yourself in the next five years?
  7. How much do you value growing and personal growth?
  8. What are some important lessons that you learned?

 Questions to Ask To Determine if He Can Be Open:

  1. Are you an affectionate type of person?
  2. Do you like to communicate what you are thinking and feeling?
  3. Do you find you have a hard time sharing how you really feel?
  4. How important to you value honesty and open communication?

Questions to Ask to Determine If He Has Integrity:

  1. Have you ever been lied to?
  2. Do you believe you should always be honest or are there times you can lie?
  3. How much do you value honesty with yourself and your partner?
  4. What kinds of things do you feel are inherently wrong and what would not bother you (like cheating on taxes, taking office supplies, ect…)

Questions to Ask to Determine if Mature and Responsible:

  1. Are you the type of person that is on time or late for appointments?
  2. What is a definition of being successful?
  3. What is a definition of being honorable?
  4. How do you process decisions?

Other miscellaneous questions?

  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. What do you do when you are not working?
  3. What are your passions?
  4. What books do you read?
  5. Are you trying anything new?
  6. What are you most proud of?
  7. What do you like most about your career and don’t like?
  8. What risk have you taken in your life?
  9. What is your worst habit?
  10. Do you feel people are essentially good or bad?
  11. How do you react when things go wrong?
  12. What is your outlook on life