You dated a man maybe a few dates or a couple of weeks and he disappears.

You thought you had this great connection and he talked about your future together.

And bam, you don’t hear from him or out of blue he states he is too busy to date right now. There can be a number of reasons that this happens:

Yes, there are men that have some problems. We call this emotional baggage. They act like they want to be in a relationship but they are really afraid of getting hurt. This happens when they a really like you and you are getting closer and he starts to feel the fear and it is easier for him to pull away. Just be glad he left because you would not want to drag this on with this fellow.
He may have decided that he did not really like you after all .And yes I know he might have talked about your future together, but men do this. They will talk about what it would like to be married together or take vacations together and don’t necessarily mean with specifically with you. They talk in generalizations and don’t always mean it. I am not saying it is right, but that is what they do. Don’t take it to heart so much in the beginning when they talk about the future. Always see how it is going to play out.
Unfortunately, he may have been dating other women at the same time and decided to get more serious with the other lady. Ouch, I know this hurts but you are better off.
You might have thought this man was for you and maybe he really wasn’t. You could look back and see there were some warning signs. Sometimes we focus on the wrong things in attracting a man like his height, charm, financial status and looks versus true compatibility and values like kindness, consistency, fun warmth, and loyalty. I use to focus on the wrong things in a man like looks and charm and seemed to attract men that did not want a commitment. When I got really clear what was important to me, and weeded out those men that were not, I met the one.
It is not worth your time or energy to take it personally. Let go of the obsession of wanting to know. If he is not willing to respond and give you the time of day to communicate with you, then he is not worth having in a relationship. We choose men that choose us. Period. If he is starting out this way in the beginning, then most likely this is how the relationship will be on-going.
So let yourself cry, go punch a pillow, or get yourself to the spa and relax with your girlfriends. Give yourself some time to grieve or be mad and be with your feelings. You have a right to feel what you’re feeling and then let it go. Move on. There are plenty of men that want to be with you and cherish the beautiful woman that you are.
One last thing, we don’t take this personally and I always think there are opportunities for growth and to learn from our experiences. Maybe you need to be more clear in what you are looking for, or maybe you need to understand men and how to communicate and connect with them, or how you can connect with the softer side of you, your feminine energy, or maybe there are some things from the past that are still unsettled and could be in the way of attracting a great man.
If you had a break up and having a hard time getting over a man, or just want to learn more on how you can connect with men at a deeper level – contact me at

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