Do you ever wonder what men want in woman and what to be on dates??

Well, hold you hats! CONFIDENCE!

Now, I know some of you might be thinking that it appears that men are intimidated by confident woman.

And I use to think that myself. “Oh, he did not call me back because he is intimidated by me or I am too smart for him”.

And through my research and what I uncovered, is men find confident woman sexy and attractive.

And there is a way that you can be confident and also be feminine and not come across intimidating.

What does that look like?

What does that look like?

Be yourself and know deep down inside that you are more than good enough, you have a lot to give, and damn you are awesome no matter what!!! Repeat this three times before you go out on a date.
When you go on a date you are open, in the moment, having fun, enjoying your time and enjoying his company and can hold stimulating conversations. This means put the cell phone away. Don’t look around why he is talking to you. Look into his eyes and allow him to be the most important man in the room. Because at that moment he is. Remember when you are dating, this is not the man you are going to live with the rest of your life. This is just an opportunity to get to know someone. Have fun with it.
I recommend taking time to connect to your feminine self before going out on a date like take a hot bath, take a walk in nature, meditate, or put on your favorite outfit and perfume. Learn to relax and let go.
Tune into your feelings. Let the man know how you feel. Men are attracted to woman who can express their feeling in a non-drama way. It is important to share yourself and open up in a way that unfolds naturally to the conversation. This does not mean on the first couple of dates that we are talking about our ex and how he is a jerk, or you just got fungi on your toes, or you just lost all your money in the stock market. LOL. I think you get the picture. There is a time for that, of course. This is the time have fun and let ourselves unfold naturally.
Happy Dating

Wishing you best, Kim Quick