Your first initial reaction to this, might be, Flirt? What? I don’t know how to flirt.

Just like anything else, flirting is a skill. It can be learned. You just need some tips and practice.

And the good news, flirting puts you in the top percentage pool for attractiveness and have that amazing man to love.

So, it is not always about physical attractiveness when you are dating and trying to find that great man.

Just start to put some of these tips into practice when you are dating and in relatinships:

According to University of Kansas, there are actually five types of flirting: traditional, physical, sincere, playful and polite. While 25 percent of flirting falls into the playful category, 30 percent is intended to sincerely lure a mate into our web of desire.

Eye Contact: Smile and make eye contact. Studies have found that a “mutual unbroken gaze for two minutes with a stranger” leads to “increased feelings of passionate love.” So gaze into the man’s eyes, smile. Take a break, and look again. If he is interested he will come running over.

Touching – Now these are gentle touches here and there. Like on the shoulder, or on his forearm. If he says a funny joke, just gently touch his arm and state how funny that is.

Allowing the Man to Pursue: Now, I know we don’t like to play games but men will be more attractive to women that he can pursue. It is just wired in him. So, don’t always be available all the time. You do have a life!

Being playful and lovingly teasing: Men love a woman that can be fun, light and playful and tease him.

Be a great listener: Biggest turnoff to a man is a woman that is looking around the room when he is talking to her. He will really connect with you if you really listen to him and think he is the most important man in the room, because he really is at that time.

Compliment him: You could say: Do you work out? Because your arms look great. Or you are such a stylist dresser. Be prepared to be swooped off your feet.

Now, there is one other aspect of flirting that you need to be aware of. And that it comes from a place from within. You want to be at ease, confident, and playful without trying to hard. This is the mental aspect. It is who you are “being”. We are human beings not doings. Practice being playful, confident and at ease throughout the day with everyone and these tips will come to you much more naturally.

Any questions, come on over to the Successful in Love Lounge – my private Facebook for members only to ask dating and relationship questions and support in love.

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